Our Polite Fight year was cut short by the arrival of a Teti baby in December, but readers have still been asking us to circle back and finish up our analysis of Fargo’s second season. So now, the internet’s most pleasantly polemical program finally returns to give the final two episodes of Fargo’s sophomore season the analysis they deserve. While neither Gus nor John wholeheartedly endorses commenter Meth Lab Shenanigans’ feeling that the final episode of season two was largely unnecessary, John clearly found more to appreciate in these last two episodes than Gus did. John contends that in handling everything from the highly anticipated manifestation of the UFOs to the fate of Kansas City hitman Mike Milligan, the season-two finale deftly retreads thematic ground that the show has been juggling all season. Gus doesn’t really disagree, but feels that in many instances, the finale revisited themes in a way that removes their nuances, hitting its points on the nose. We’re glad we finally got a chance to share our thoughts with all of you. (And thanks for asking!) We look forward to tackling Better Call Saul‘s second season, starting next week. Stay tuned!