Michael Waldron follows up Disney+’s Loki with this wrestling drama starring Stephen Amell and Alexander Ludwig
Michael Waldron follows up Disney+’s Loki with this wrestling drama starring Stephen Amell and Alexander Ludwig
After its intimate, personal first season, Black Lightning faced a bit of a conundrum. Where the first season was…
There was a time when, all things considered, you could have called Franklin’s goals noble. Way back in the first…
One of the most prevalent complaints about the season-three finale of Snowfall was that it let Franklin (Damson…
The third season finale of Black Lightning saw Freeland and the Pearce family finally fighting off the Markovian…
It’s difficult to unpack Modern Family’s legacy. You certainly can’t trust the ABC-created narrative, where the show…
Generally speaking, dramas use their penultimate episodes to deliver the biggest surprises in terms of plot and…
It’s been awhile since the previous episode of Modern Family, but all you really need to know is this: the season’s…
Batwoman has spent a good chunk of its first season in morally murky waters. There are plenty of superhero stories…
The biggest problem with the first season of Batwoman, other than than the often eye-roll-inducing dialogue, is the…
About halfway through the series premiere of Breeders, Paul (Martin Freeman), currently suffering through a…
This final season of Modern Family has mostly done a bad job of dealing with the passage of time. For a show about…
This eleventh and final season of Modern Family has contained a lot of apparent “lasts.” From the Last Thanksgiving…
“Dead On a Rival” is a strange episode of Modern Family. It’s not bad, and it’s not good. It’s filled with flat…
“Legacy” is a very strange episode of Modern Family, and one that once again deals with a character death in a…
It’s difficult to not get repetitive when you’ve been reviewing a show for as long as I’ve been on the Modern Family…
If you were to compare the tenth and eleventh seasons of Modern Family, you’d probably incorrectly assume that the…
I’ll tell you this, right off the bat: I did not expect to see so many episodes with Sherry after she first popped…
Ever since I took over the Modern Family beat for The A.V. Club a handful of seasons ago, I’ve been wont to mention…
Modern Family has a bad habit of rarely following through with meaningful changes in the lives of its characters. So…