With every episode literally leading up to this, What If...? ends its season with nothing but fight scenes and quips
In a rocky episode, Marvel plays its hand and the anthology show stops being an anthology show
Thor throws a house party that could destroy the world in the latest episode of What If…?
One of the MCU’s best villains returns in an episode where everybody gets stabbed in the back
Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes, and a talking head make their stand against the zombie apocalypse in yet another grim Wha…
Benedict Cumberbatch and Rachel McAdams star in an episode about the dangers of time travel
Someone is killing Avengers before they become Avengers, but What If...? takes some shortcuts solving the mystery
What If...? brings in as many movie actors as possible in a very wacky episode dedicated to Chadwick Boseman
The premiere of Marvel Studios' first animated series introduces the multiverse to Captain Peggy Carter